
Happy Monday! Today I am linking up with Becky at Choose Happy  for her Currently post.

Loving... I joined a new group of Local photographers. I am loving their encouragement and their talent. It is so fun to be a part of a group of moms that have the same interest.

Thankful... A few minutes to catch up on blogging. My little one keeps me so busy.

Counting down... To the summer. I am so ready for it to be summer. We are hopefully taking a vacation this year!

Organizing... Our house and garage. We have lived in our house for almost two years and I finally am ready to decorate. My dad told my husband he could have his pool table. My husband is so excited so he is making space for it in the garage.

Watching... I am letting Netflix run in the background while I blog. I have been watching Rules of engagement.

Celebrating.... We celebrated our first Valentines day with our little man. My husband is not a huge fan of valentines day but we did have fun with the little one this year.

Eating... Tacos. I love when my husband doesn't have to go into work too early because he makes or buys us breakfast.

What are you currently up to?


  1. I'm currently playing catch up from the weekend and trying to entertain my kids during school break. It's currently below zero here so I'm also planning a trip somewhere warm in my head :)

    1. Oh wow. It's been so sunny here! I hope take a trip somewhere warm soon! :)

  2. I'm counting down to summer too! I feel like time is moving really fast though :)

  3. I cannot wait until winter is over because I am so over this snow it just doesnt go away, your pictures are absolutely adorable great job

    1. Thank you very much! Send some snow this way for me!

  4. How is Rules of Engagement?? Always looking for new Netflix options! Sounds like you had a great weekend. :)

    1. It's pretty funny in a dumb way. My husband enjoys watching it with me so that's a plus

  5. I need to find a group of photographers to work with! That sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. You should! Search Facebook or create one! It's been so helpful!

  6. I feel like we're all counting down to summer. Living in the Deep South and I'm already wanting our winter to be over. It's been milder than past winters but I need some warm and sun. Stopping by from the Currently link up!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am also ready to put away my jacket and not worry about it until next year :)

  7. I'm ready for some warm weather but not sure I'm ready for the hectic pace our summer seems to take lately.

    LOVE tacos! I had for supper here tonight.

    1. We eat tacos a little too much! I can not imagine living somewhere where tacos are rare!

  8. I am currently not doing what I've put off all day that is due in the morning for a cilent, haha.. Looks like it's gonna be a long night!

    1. I hope you caught up! It's nice to procrastinate every once in awhile :)

  9. I am so ready for summer as well, I am over the cold dreary days! Bleh.

  10. The Pictures are SOOOO adorable!! You did a great job!
    We love tacos at our house too! Yum!!!
    I could use some warm weather. It is soooo cold in Wisconsin right now!

    Thank you so much for joining my link up! Have a WONDERFUL weekend!


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